Lions Pride Endowment Fund
Providing an enduring legacy for Wisconsin Lions Foundations statewide for all future generations.

Supporting the Community
Lions Pride Endowment funding supports many foundations providing support to the community such as vision care, diabetes control, Lions Camp and more.

Lions Pride History
Our history has deep roots. Browse our stories and learn more about the history and people that have made Lions Pride Endowment what it is today.

Lions Pride Shoot
A great event featuring a 100 round clay shoot, cash prizes, gun boards/raffles, delicious food/beverages, and great camaraderie, while supporting Lions Camp.
How You Can Help
Planned Giving
Cash, securities, real estate or personal property can all be given to the Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. through a well planned will.
Gifts of Appreciated Property
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate and other appreciated assets are accepted and can offer tax benefits.