About Us

Award Handshake

Our Mission

Working to Preserve, Protect and Provide the experience of a lifetime for children with special needs and much more…

The mission of the Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. is to provide an enduring legacy for the Wisconsin Lions Foundation’s statewide projects that help Lions serve their local communities by reaching, touching and improving lives.


To Serve by reaching, touching and improving lives.

To be an organization that supports local community services that influence and impact the well being of all people.

To champion Lions organization service to their communities, supporting statewide Lions service projects and implementing programs to sustain the funding required for achieving our mission effectively..


WLF strives to be sensitive stewards of their heritage and plan for the future as effective managers of our fiduciary responsibility.

WLF takes pride in their integrity, skills and ability to perform consistently, effectively and efficiently.

WLF places a premium on timely, honest and effective communications with their people and the individuals and communities we reach.

WLF celebrates compassion, positive attitudes and teamwork among and with their employees, volunteers and service partners

WLF seeks to add value to their efforts through initiative and dedication to finding better ways to serve.

Lion's Pride Endowment logo

The Wisconsin Lions Foundation administers Lions Club projects common to all communities statewide. WLF staff and Camp property encompass 440 acres, the state’s only private lake, 37 buildings, facilities and equipment.

Established in 1956, Lions Camp in Rosholt is the crown jewel of Wisconsin Lions. It was the first—and remains the largest—Wisconsin Lions Foundation project. Others now include an Eyeglass Recycling Processing/Distribution Center, and multiple health-related projects in collaboration with Wisconsin professional organizations … Children & Adult Vision ScreeningHearingDiabetes Education, prevention and control and Youth Projects.

Lions Camp is a place like no other. A place for youngsters—with vision, hearing, cognitive challenges or diabetes—to be with others just like themselves. They have come to camp free for more than half a century, about 70,000 of them. In a typical year, nearly 1,300 campers attend, representing some 400 Wisconsin communities.

In the last decade, operating expenses have risen 57%. The historic backbone of financial support—Lions Club donations–cannot keep pace, growing only 20% and now accounting for less than half of annual WLF operating expenses. Inflation and other costs defy control efforts and continue to escalate. The future of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation statewide projects is threatened. You can help…The solution depends on you—and others like you—caring and contributing to the Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc., Today’s Help, Tomorrow’s Future.