The Lions Pride Story
The story of the Lions Pride Campaign began with one Lion, DuWaye “Dewey” Carl.
The Evolution from Lions Pride Campaign …to Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc.
The story of the Lions Pride Campaign began with one Lion. His dedication, love, conviction and call to action. That Lion was a former president of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and a Past Council Chair of the Wisconsin Lions Council of Governors, DuWayne “Dewey” Carl. He saw a need and worked tirelessly to realize and fulfill his dream of preserving, protecting and providing for the future of all WLF projects.
Work toward the Lions Pride Campaign began in 2003 with the approval of the WLF Board of Directors to retain a consultant to perform a Feasibility Study about the prospect for success. Results of the study were accepted in late 2004 and extensive planning began. In May 2005, the Lions of Wisconsin voted to approve the Campaign; later that fall a Campaign Coordinator was hired and the Campaign was introduced in early 2006.
The Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. is managed day-to-day by Johnson Bank. To date, major decisions have been made by an Investment Board comprised of experienced financial advisors, both Lions and non-Lions. That Investment Board has been guided by two formal documents; the Investment Policy and the Gift Acceptance Policy.
In mid-2011, acting on the advice of the WLF auditor, as well as authoritative legal counsel, the WLF Board of Directors voted to establish two separate 501(c)(3) corporations, one being the Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. Chairman Dewey Carl and the Pride staff are pleased and have encouraged this development for some time.
With the establishment of Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. Pride Chairman, Dewey Carl, assumed the role of CEO/President until his passing in August 2016. He noted that, “The sole purpose of Lions Pride remains the same: to preserve and protect and provide significant financial support to further the exempt projects of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, Inc.” While separate corporate entities, the parties will always share common interest in the projects of WLF and those they serve. The Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. “Today’s Help, Tomorrow’s Hope.
Prospective donors may wish to consider a variety of available tax-advantaged and other giving options. The Lions Pride staff is a valuable resource for learning more about Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc. for additional information and planning support about donation possibilities you are encouraged to contact the Pride Office.