The Lions Pride Endowment is dedicated to improving lives, especially the most vulnerable. Throughout our history, many Lions contributed to making this happen. Below are some of those stories and individuals we would like to highlight.
Lions Pride History
The evolution from Lions Pride Campaign to Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc.
The story of the Lions Pride Campaign began with one Lion. His dedication, love, conviction and call to action. That Lion was a former president of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and a Past Council Chair of the Wisconsin Lions Council of Governors, DuWayne “Dewey” Carl. He saw a need and worked tirelessly to realize and fulfill his dream of preserving, protecting and providing for the future of all WLF projects.
Work toward the Lions Pride Campaign began in 2003 with the approval of the WLF Board of Directors to retain a consultant to perform a Feasibility Study about the prospect for success. Results of the study were accepted in late 2004 and extensive planning began. In May 2005, the Lions of Wisconsin voted to approve the Campaign; later that fall a Campaign Coordinator was hired and the Campaign was introduced in early 2006.

The Ray Hempel Story
One Man’s Vision: Lions Camp | The Beginning
Lions and Lioness change the world and make a difference in peoples’ lives. Lion Ray Hempel was a person who changed the world for thousands of kids. His vision challenged Wisconsin Lions and Lioness to change the world of children with special needs.
We’ve all heard the words “Blind kids can’t go to outdoor camp and stuff like that…” but do we know the Poy Sippi Lion who took those words to heart? Lion Ray Hempel was that man.
Most Lions and Lioness have heard the words but do we know the Poy Sippi Lion who took those words to heart? Lion Ray Hempel was that man.

Tribute to Dewey Carl
Lion, DuWayne “Dewey” Carl, began the Lions Pride Endowment by serving as Chairman of the Lions Pride Campaign.
Through his efforts, private funding arrangements for the Campaign were achieved; without them the Wisconsin Lions Foundation lacked financial resources to undertake such an effort. His spirit, voice and support, informed and inspired the success of the Campaign.
Throughout his lifetime, Dewey held many roles; he was a teacher, coach, businessman and philanthropist. He was committed to being an active community member. In 1974, Dewey joined the Manawa Lions Club and from that time on, dedicated his time and talents to the Lions Organization. He held numerous positions at the local, state and international levels. He was the Wisconsin Lions Foundation President in 1986 – 1987, and was a District Governor and Council Chair from 1990 until 1991.