Projects and Services
Learn about the projects and public services that the Lions Pride Foundation supports
Wisconsin Lions Camp
A project of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, supported by the Lions Pride Endowment
The Wisconsin Lions Camp is dedicated to providing quality camp experiences for Wisconsin youth and adults with disabilities

Vision Screening
Early detection to help protect and preserve the gift of sight for a lifetime
The Wisconsin Lions Foundation, in partnership with Prevent Blindness Wisconsin coordinates Lion Club member training for certification and recertification for vision screenings. Local Lions Clubs sponsor and conduct vision screenings in their own communities.
The goal of the WLF Children’s Vision Screening project is to see that all Wisconsin children-from six months to teens—have had a vision screening and, if appropriate, are referred for a vision professional exam. Thousands of Wisconsin youngsters receive vision checks from Lions Clubs each year.

Hearing Projects
Helping them hear what they are missing.
Since 1981, the Wisconsin Lions Foundation has been concerned with the impact that hearing loss can have on individuals, families and society. It works to promote awareness of hearing loss, knowledge about prevention, recognition and treatment … and the collection and recycling of used hearing aids for salvage credits, using them to help reduce costs for purchase of hearing aids for the WLF Hearing Project.
Its success depends on the collaborative efforts and generosity of Wisconsin Lions, Lioness, and Leo Clubs, hearing healthcare professionals, and hearing aid manufacturers. Lions, Lioness, and Leo Clubs throughout the State collect used hearing aids and provide funding for recipients; hearing professionals (some 100 audiologists statewide) agree to accept reduced fees for their services; and hearing aid manufacturers provide large discounts on hearing devices dispensed to recipients.

Eyeglass Recycling
Helping others around the world see.
The Eyeglass Recycling Center (ERC) located at the Wisconsin Lions Foundation Headquarters is one of only 18 such facilities in the world. A matching grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation helped establish it in 1994. Six satellite processing centers sponsored by local Lions Clubs and staffed by member volunteers have been equipped and trained by ERC personnel to help spread the work. Additionally, two prison facilities participate (Oxford and Portage).
At any given time the ERC inventory available is about 125,000 pairs of glasses. These are provided without cost to sponsors of Vision Mission projects to developing countries. (Regulations discourage United States use.) Some mission groups are Lions, but there are many others, often including vision professionals.

Diabetes Awareness
Local community-based diabetes education for patients, health professionals and the public.
Wisconsin Lions Foundation actively supports efforts to inform, educate, and to help prevent and control diabetes. Wisconsin Lions are uniquely positioned to help serve because of their reach into nearly 600 communities. An estimated 4000+ Wisconsin Lions have diabetes.
With the content expertise and support of this group the Wisconsin Lions Foundation has produced and widely distributed four patient information DVD’s for use by medical professionals and individuals; Chronic Kidney, Diabetic Retinopathy, Dilated Eye Exam and Type 1 Diabetes: Caring with Confidence.
National Diabetes Awareness Month is November. Wisconsin Lions Foundation routinely prepares and promotes use of local Club diabetes awareness publicity programming materials and tips.WLF also distributes more than 70,000 diabetes informational brochures in Wisconsin communities on Diabetes Alert Day each March.