Tribute to Dewey Carl
Lion, DuWayne “Dewey” Carl, began the Lions Pride Campaign by serving as Chairman of the Lions Pride Campaign. Read on to learn more about this tribute.
Through his efforts, private funding arrangements for the Campaign were achieved; without them the Wisconsin Lions Foundation lacked financial resources to undertake such an effort. His spirit, voice and support, informed and inspired the success of the Campaign.

Throughout his lifetime, Dewey held many roles; he was a teacher, coach, businessman and philanthropist. He was committed to being an active community member. In 1974, Dewey joined the Manawa Lions Club and from that time on, dedicated his time and talents to the Lions Organization. He held numerous positions at the local, state and international levels. He was the Wisconsin Lions Foundation President in 1986 – 1987, and was a District Governor and Council Chair from 1990 until 1991.
During that time, he saw a need not being met and worked tirelessly to fulfill his dream of preserving, protecting and providing for the future of Lions Camp and the other WLF projects.
The work to establish a donor directed endowment fund began in 2003 and in May 2005, at the State Convention, the Lions of Wisconsin voted to approve the campaign. The campaign was introduced in 2006. In mid-2011, the WLF Board of Directors voted to establish two separate 501(c)(3) corporations, and the Lions Pride Endowment Fund was born. Chairman Dewey worked tirelessly, never losing sight of his ultimate goal, to ensuring the future of Lions Camp with a 25 million dollar endowment fund.

In addition to his dedication to Lions Pride and the Lions Organization itself, he served and worked with several other organizations including the city of Manawa, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Northern Lakes Winnebago Private Industry Council Advisory Board of the W-2 program of Waupaca County, Fox Valley Workforce Development Board, Waupaca County Industries Advisory Board, Waupaca County Crime Stoppers Committee, Riverside Hospital Foundation Board, Riverside Hospital Foundation Board, New London Family Medical Foundation Board, Manawa School District Development Board, and The Little Wolf Trail Organization. In 2011, he was honored with the Outstanding Philanthropist Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals of Northeast Wisconsin.

Lion Dewey showed us that there is nothing more important in life than working to improve the lives of others. His voice and spirit will live on inspiring us to continue working to bring his dream and vision to fruition.
Thank you, Lion Dewey, for your enthusiasm, dedication and commitment; you truly made the world a better place and you will be deeply and forever missed.